The 2023 Exec Board

President, Sydnie Andell, is a Junior Biology Major with a Chemistry minor and is Pre-Dental. She competes in the Limit Equitation on the Flat and over Fences and Level 1 Horsemanship. Reach out at

Vice President, Olivia Noack, is a Junior Agricultural Science Major and is Pre-Vet. She competes in Novice Equitation on the Flat and Rookie B Horsemanship. Reach out at

Secretary, Anna Cooper, is a Sophomore Psychology Major with Spanish and Equine Studies minors and is Pre-MAE. She competes in Limit Equitation on the Flat and Over Fences and Rookie B Horsemanship. Reach out at

Treasurer, Kaitlyn Crawford, is a Junior English Major with Equine Studies and Biology minors. She competes in Novice Equitation on the Flat and Level 1 Horsemanship. Reach out at

Hunt Historian, Anna Loucks, is a Junior Accounting Major. She competes in Novice Equitation on the Flat and Rookie B Horsemanship. Reach out at

Stock Historian, Aubrey Bachman, is a Sophomore Agricultural Science Major. She competes in Rookie A Horsemanship. Reach out at

Fundraising Chair, Payton Koopman, is a Sophomore Health Science Major. She competes in Limit Equitation on the Flat and Over Fences as well as Level 2 Horsemanship and Ranch Riding. Reach out at